Cork House, Cambridge

New contemporary cork house extension in Cambridge by Inclume Architects

Proposal for a new sustainable cork-clad residential extension to a semi detached house in Cambridge.

The new architecture relates to the garden by creating an open plan living area with a full height glazed corner. Cork panels are used to clad the façade, the roof is capped with sedum and grass blocks pave the external fringe, helping merge the boundary between soft and hard landscaping.

A sustainable architectural approach has been taken with the internal refurbishment to include a Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery system (MVHR System).

A cork clad house extension is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to add extra space to a home. Cork is a versatile and renewable material that has many benefits, including its natural insulation properties, durability, and aesthetic appeal. When used as a cladding material for a house extension, cork can create a beautiful and unique exterior that also offers numerous sustainable properties.

One of the key advantages of a cork clad house extension is its insulation properties. Cork is a natural insulator, which means it helps to regulate the temperature inside the home, keeping it warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This can help to reduce energy consumption and lower heating and cooling bills. Additionally, cork is a highly durable material that can last for many years without deteriorating, which means it can provide long-term energy savings and reduce the need for frequent repairs or replacement.

Another sustainable property of a cork clad house extension is its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Cork trees are highly effective at sequestering carbon, which means that using cork as a building material can help to reduce the carbon footprint of a home. This makes cork a highly sustainable and eco-friendly option for those who want to reduce their environmental impact.

In addition to the cork cladding, the house is fitted with an MVHR (mechanical ventilation heat recovery) system. This system works by extracting the warm, moist air from inside the home and using it to heat the fresh air that is drawn in from outside. This can help to improve indoor air quality, reduce heating costs, and create a more comfortable living environment.

Overall, a cork clad house extension offers many sustainable properties, including natural insulation, durability, carbon sequestration, and energy efficiency. When combined with an MVHR system, it can provide a highly sustainable and eco-friendly solution for those who want to extend their home in a way that is both beautiful and practical.


Stack Victorian House Extension, Cambridge


Char House Extension, Cambridge